Are you experiencing bladder leaking with sneeze, laugh, jumping, running or exercise?
Are you experiencing constipation, straining for bowel movement or have hemorrhoids?
Are you experiencing pain with sex or use of tampon?
Are you concerned you may have a hypertonic pelvic floor?
You can have these symptoms whether or not you have had a baby. For some of us, these symptoms can be mild and start when we are young, then get progressively worse as we get older.
What causes these symptoms?
Your postural alignment (it's not what you think)
Over using some muscles and under using other muscles that lead to gripping or hypertonic muscles
If you feel anxious, worried or stressed frequently these leads to overactive muscles (and other things)
If you are not taking enough time for sleeping, eating and digestion
Are you having pain with sex? This is more common than you may think! There are many factor that come into play when addressing this concern.
Are the pelvic floor muscles hypertonic (tight)?
Have you experienced a trauma that your body is trying to protect you from such as a fall on your tailbone, physical or sexual.
Are you living a stressful life and having difficulty relaxing? (the answer isn't drink wine)
Are you in perimenopause or menopause? During this time of life, Estrogen levels drop. Estrogen helps to maintain vaginal lubrication and elasticity. Starting a daily vaginal moisturizer may be helpful and a water based lubricant during sex. Your GYN may prescribe topical Estrogen. Other options include DHEA, home red light therapy units can stimulate collagen. Med Spas have can offer radio frequency, laser and PRP.
Are all the tests negative, leaving doctors without answers to your symptoms? This can leave you feeling frustrated, disappointed and misunderstood. Especially, when the medical doctor can't give you answers and makes you feel like this is all in your head. As a physical therapist, when the tests are negative, then we know your body holds the answers.
We LISTEN to you
We LOOK at how you move
We PALPATE (touch) your body to assess muscles, fascia and joint mobility or restrictions.
We put all that together to find the right treatment for you.
Are you looking for care with a more holistic approach?
Melissa found that treatment in the traditional manor of only addressed the physical symptoms was not enough. She began searching for answers. This lead her to understanding how the body holds memories, feeling and trauma. Our nervous systems are designed to protect us, but it can become over protective. By acknowledging this protection and releasing these feeling, a person can find full healing. Melissa does not believes she replaces other providers but can play a role identifying what the body may be holding and holding you back from full recovery. This has led Melissa to include Dolphin Vagal Nerve Stimulation (VNS) as part of her care. In research it has shown to reduce muscle tension
Caused by stress and anxiety
Compromised circulation muscle tension
This works by stimulating the calming nerve connecting our gut to our brain called the vagus nerve
Improves circulation in the body
Reduces pain
Decreases inflammation
This is a non-invasive treatment taking only 15 minutes. This can be a quick 30-session or included in a 1-hour session. For more information and research information
How do you address these concerns?
We start with what I call an outside in approach. This means we look at your whole body for what may be driving the symptoms in the pelvic floor. By addressing the driver first, this frequently reduces the number of sessions needed for direct pelvic floor treatment.
Do I have to take my clothes off during a session?
No, you do not have to take your clothes off for every session. However, if you want specific answers to questions about your concerns, direct attention to the pelvic floor is the best way to answer your questions. If you want to better understanding of symptoms without direct pelvic floor care, "NO Problem". We can still learn a great deal about your body without going directly to your pelvic floor.
What is included in care and treatment?
Care and treatment is custom designed to your specific concerns after a though evaluation is performed. Elements frequently assessed
How well your joints move (restricted or move too much)
How flexible your muscles are
Movement patterns and positions ie, how you sit, stand, walk
How you breath (it's more important than you may think)
Elements frequently included in the first session