While you may be looking in the mirror and want to address the outside appearance, It's best to start with how you FEEL on the inside.
Do you have back, neck or pelvic pain?
Do you have a heavy feeling in the pelvic floor at the end of the day?
Do you have bladder leaking with cough, sneeze, laugh, lifting?
Do you DRA-abdominal muscle separation?
Do you start to exercise and make any of these things worse?
When you start with the deep core muscles ie abdominals, back and pelvic floor first you will build strength, stability and stamina and reduce pain and fatigue
Are planks and sit ups the best exercises to start with?
While those are abdominal exercises, they may not be the best exercises to start with because they can make DRA and pelvic floor symptoms worse.
How do I know if I am ready for more strenuous exercise?
If the exercises increases pain, increases pelvic floor symptoms or the size of DRA, then it's too strenuous for you.
How can you help?
A complete and though evaluation is performed to learn more about you, your concerns and goals
A plan with your goals are established
This will include addressing your concerns
You will learning how to easily connect to the deep core muscles for daily activities
You will start an exercise program that you can do at home